We discuss the diaphragm often in lessons, so it’s important that we take a moment to appreciate its function. The diaphragm is a parachute-shaped muscle that aids us in facilitating more impactful breathing. It is sometimes referred to as the “thoracic diaphragm” and its name comes from the Greek word for “partition” or “fence.” Once you see how this skeletal muscle spreads across and below the lungs, separating the abdomen and the chest, the root of its name makes perfect sense.
In respiration, the diaphragm’s importance cannot be understated. To put it simply, when you inhale the diaphragm moves downward and creates a vacuum that gives the lungs no other choice but to expand and fill with air. In order to strengthen this muscle more and more, a singer must be committed to their breathing exercises! The most productive forms of these would include anytime we add resistance to the airflow, as this makes the diaphragm engage and work harder to compensate. Exercises that utilize exhaling on a “sh,” “sss,” or “fff” sound are extremely productive, as well as any breathing exercises that include our beloved straws.
As always, take it easy and listen to your body. If your breathing exercises are making you feel faint or unwell, take a moment to rest and assess from there. Don’t try to accomplish everything in one day. Small and steady movements in the right direction will give you the voice of your dreams.